Ruthi will be at Hela Spa for a special mini-session photo event on June 1st from 11am-3pm! To make sure you get a slot, reserve now! These sessions are specifically for mom and baby, or baby/child individually. (For individual baby sessions, babies should be able to sit up on their own.) Please email Ruthi David at for more information or to reserve your timeslot.

So tell us a little bit about R David Original Photography, for those readers not familiar with your services. I am a portrait photographer specializing in children. I do the majority of my sessions on location - either in client's homes or outdoors, but I love it when I can meet new people at mini-session events, such as the event we have scheduled on-site at Hela in June. I love talking to children, bringing out a shy grin, coaxing them out of their shell a bit to capture the spark that makes every child unique and wonderful.
What about your job do you like most?
I love meeting people, and I love knowing that I can give a family an image that looks genuine and captures them the way they really were at a given moment in time. Being entrusted with a family's memories is a great privilege.
How did you get started?
Well, I grew up in a house where photography was always an obsession. My mother had a darkroom in our house growing up. You had to be careful that when you got a pitcher out of the refrigerator it was really Kool-Aid and not darkroom chemicals! So I learned to take pictures using film and doing darkroom developing. I went digital when my first child was born, 10 years ago, and just fell in love with the instant gratification aspect. For the next six years I was a serious amateur, and finally decided to make a go of this as a business after the birth of my youngest child in 2005. The rest, as they say, is history!
Where can we find you (website, blog, location)? I live online!! The Portrait Site: | The Event Site: | The Blog: www.virginiachildphotographer.
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